Falicitation for National and Zonal Skill Competition winners and their Families

Winners Meet @ Elamakkara Workshop

It gives me immense pleasure to broadcast a lively programme conducted for the winners who have represented our organisation in the 23 rd All India Technical Competition held at Regional level @ Cochin , Zonal level @ Bangalore and National Level @ New Delhi . We have recognized the winners in front of their family members . we have specially invited the family members to the function . 14 winner have attended the function . Six national participants have attended the function with their family . The programme started at 4 pm . The programme was kicked off by Suresh V, Head Marketing & Service . He has congratulated the members for their achievements in National and Zonal competition Year 2014-15 . The presidential address was given by Thomas Sir , COO (PVSL ) . He has inspired the crowd by his great words . He said “ business begin at home “ . He has spoken about the importance of building the relationship .Mr. Sajith Regional service manager (MSIl )and Mr. Haridas Regional training manager are present in the program , MSIL official appreciated the winners and trainers they also mentioned about the great support of management in Manpower training and development . While addressing the team, Johnson Sir has specially mentioned the importance of such function and has congratulated the winners for their tenacity and commitment .

A special Award Ceremony was organized to distribute the Memento, Gift, salary increment & onetime payment to the Achievers . Family members were also honored by giving 2 gram gold coin and a gift. The National Participants were recognized by the Top Management by handing over a Cup inscribed with their family photos and inspiring quotes They were taken to the Kumarakam Lake song Resort for one day stay with one hour boating which were specially mentioned by the members in the vote of thanks @ RESORTS ..

A photo tour of Felicitation Ceremony


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