Acheivers Club Season 3 Felicitation Ceremony @ Ramada Resorts ,Alleppy

We have recognized the outstanding the performance of Achievers Club Season 3 Club Members in H1 of FY 2014-15 . 97 club members have attended the function . 11 were unable to attend because of genuine reasons . The programme started at 10am and concluded at 5 pm . The entire club members were very active and their involvement and participation was visible throughout the day . The programme was inaugurated by Suresh V, Head Marketing & Service . He has addressed the club members are “ CHANGE AGENTS “ who have the potential to accept the change and also have the capacity to inspire others to change . He has congratulated the club members for their rocking performance in H1 of Financial Year 2014-15 . A motivational programme was conducted by Mr Jayadev Menon in the pre lunch schedule . A delicious Kuttanadan Lunch was also organized for them .

To tap the full potential of the club members , a special scheme was announced in the post lunch schedule . Suresh Sir has given the background and objective of the special scheme . The logo of the special scheme “ Popular Super League “ was unveiled by Johnson Mathew , Head-Human Resources . The club members were really excited by seeing the new scheme . They have welcomed it in a standing ovation with a big round of applause .The club members evenly grouped into 04 teams and the platinum members were unanimously nominated as Team Captains . There was a team building activity too . A special Award Ceremony was organized to distribute the club bonus to the members . The Platinum Members were recognized by the Top Management by handing over a Cup inscribed with their photos and inspiring quotes . They were taken to the Vembanattu Lagoon for one hour boating which were specially mentioned by the members in the vote of thanks . The Felicitation Ceremony was concluded at 5pm .

We are sure that the energy and enthusiasm that they gained will help them to work as a team to produce significant results.

A special word of thanks to All Training Managers and HR Managers for their active support to make the event a Grand Success .

All Branch Heads/SMs/SPC Heads /TLs are requested to interact with the club members and give them an opportunity to share their experience at Ramada Resorts , Alleppy on 22 Nov 2014 .

The messages will fade in due course . But the memories will never …….

A photo tour of Felicitation Ceremony .

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